this is just a quick info byte for vincent, but also usefull for anyone doing character models...
ok so i will write a quick list of the animations can use for ted (the player)
root, run, back, side, look, head, fall, land, jump, death [1-11], looksn, lookms, scoutroot, headside, lightrecoil, sitting, celsalute, celwave, standjump, looknw
for the melee stuff:
h1root, h1thrust, h1slice, h1swing, h1jumpattack, h1stun
the only animation that is REQUIRED is the look animation, and that is only because of the look-bug (withought it, the game will crash), as in everything else is for content...
nodes that you can use :
mount 0-3 for mounting weapons and objects
cam and others for the camera and stuff (mount to the head for headbob)
i'm sure there are others look at the models if in doubt...
other comments are,
i recommend having moving animations (run, back, side, etc etc) to only affect lower half, and aiming/firing affecting top half of the models... that is how torque does it....
as always use the characters in there already as a reference....
i think that is all, but i might update it later if i remember anything....