Friday, February 19, 2010

Here's T.E.D, and the process from beginning to end.

1). Started of with some stickmen for different posses.

2). Added some weight.

3). Some different color schemes.

4). After choosing which colors we liked and changing the hairstyle
heres finished T.E.D with and without cannon


  1. Awesome work.. that final ted looks wicked and that arm cannon is pretty cool as well.. maybe try making it a bit thinner, but that rotating mechanism is exactly what I'm thinking of.

  2. tried a smaller radius on the cannon, looked like s#&t

  3. I like it. Are you going to have his arm appear normally until he needs this weapon? Something like a morphing animation with gizmos and such for bringing out the artilery seems astro-boy but would look cool regardless.

    Hope you don't mind me commenting on your project :D

  4. His arm is always going to show the cannon in 1st person. Will do an animation of it changing for a cut scene.
